Vocational School of Technical Sciences


Our Vocational School, which was established as Adıyaman Vocational School affiliated to İnönü University in 1983, was affiliated to Adıyaman University with the law number 5467 dated March 1, 2006 and published in the Official Gazette dated 17 March 2006 and numbered 26111. It was divided into two as "Vocational School of Technical Sciences" and "Vocational School of Social Sciences" by the Higher Education Council in accordance with the articles 7 / d-2 and 7-h of the Law No. 2547 dated 16.01.2014 and the Law No. 2880. As the Vocational School of Sciences, it continues its education and training activities. In our Technical Sciences Vocational School, education and training activities are carried out in 10 departments and 11 programs in formal education.

Vocational School of Technical Sciences (TBMYO) aims to train students according to the realities of the country and the world. Based on the idea that employees who will be trained without close cooperation with industry and industry cannot contribute to the development of the country, efforts are made to train high-quality personnel by making all kinds of cooperation with industry and industry.